Call for Participation » InfoVis Art Exhibit

Traditionally the tool of the statistician and engineer, information visualization has increasingly become a powerful new medium for artists and designers as well. Owing in part to the mainstreaming of computer graphics and the democratization of information sources on the Internet, this new cadre of creative researchers has discovered the possibility of visualization techniques to reveal thought-provoking but otherwise hidden narratives. Often using little more than home computers and widely available programming toolkits, artists and designers have taken material evidence into their own hands and expanded the conceptual horizons of information visualization as a mode of artistic practice and critical inquiry.

The IEEE InfoVis Art Exhibit examines the merging of artistic intention and visualization technique. We seek artworks that reveal information patterns in aesthetic, provocative and innovative ways. The goal of the Exhibit is to prompt viewers towards greater introspection about what information is worth visualizing and why.

The Exhibit will include a combination of projects independently curated by the exhibition chairs, as well as a selection of artworks submitted through the process described below.

» Important Dates

Submission Deadline: June 1, 2008

The IEEE InfoVis Art Exhibit curators will consider the following types of work:

  • Interactive CD/DVD-ROM work
  • Interactive web-based work
  • Printed artwork

Interactive pieces should run on a standard computer configuration (Windows Operating System, 1 GB RAM, 20 GB hard drive, 1024 x 768 pixel monitor resolution) as such systems will be available at the exhibit. If both standalone and networked versions of interactive projects are available, please provide standalone versions.

Accepted art submissions will be included and/or documented electronically on the IEEE VisWeek 2008 Conference DVD, exhibited during IEEE VisWeek 2008, and summarized in a hardcopy compendium distributed to all symposium and conference attendees.

Entries should be posted online at a web-accessible server. The URL should be sent to Golan Levin and Fernanda Viègas at the addresses:, All entries should be accompanied by a brief PDF (1-2 pages) which explains and illustrates the submitted artwork in both text and images. Please click here for formatting guidelines.

» Cochairs/Curators:

Golan Levin, Carnegie Mellon University
Fernanda Viègas, IBM Research

IEEEComputer SocietyVGTC
Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society
Visualization and Graphics Technical Committee.
© 2008 IEEE