IEEE VisWeek 2009 will host
a Doctoral Colloquium to support the next generation of
visualization researchers.
The Doctoral Colloquium is sponsored by
the US
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Ph.D. students at any stage of their research were invited to apply to participate in the colloquium. Students who will be completing their proposal defense near the time of the colloquium were particularly encouraged to apply.
The colloquium will be run as a single day invitation-only event prior to the main conference, on Saturday October 10, 2009.
It will incorporate contributions from the visualization, information visualization, and visual analytics student communities.
The colloquium will allow students to discuss their research directions in a supportive atmosphere with a panel of distinguished leaders and with their peers. Students can expect helpful feedback and fresh perspectives on their research topics and possible career paths, and will have the opportunity to interact closely with expert researchers in their field. The colloquium will support community-building by connecting beginning and advanced researchers.
Participating Students
Sofia J. Athenikos, Drexel University
Aritra Dasgupta, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Theresia Gschwandtner, Vienna University of Technology
Christophe Hurter, ENAC and IRIT/IHCS France
Julia EunJu Nam, Stony Brook University
Harald Obermaier, University of Kaiserslautern, Fraunhofer ITWM
Michael Sedlmair, BMW Group Research and Technology
Jian Zhang, Drexel University
Brian Fisher, Simon Fraser University
Georges Grinstein, University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Melanie Tory, University of Victoria
Daniel Weiskopf, Universität Stuttgart