Visualization of Brain Structure for Surgical Planning
The IEEE Visualization Contest 2010 targets the field of multimodal visualization for neurosurgical planning. The primary challenge in planning neurosurgical interventions lies in the identification of the various structures at risk and understanding how they relate and interact with each other.
The contest aims at demonstrating how novel visualization and interaction techniques from the forefront of scientific research can help to solve real-world problems of high relevance today.
Data SetsMRI data including anatomical, structural and functional images of a patient with an intra-cerebral metastasis has been acquired on a Siemens 3T Verio MR scanner in Bremen, Germany.
Prizes and IncentiveThe exact nature and number of prizes awarded to the best participants is being determined.
Recognizing the fundamental importance of publications for academic careers, we are exploring pathways to accelerate converting a winning contest entry (or entries) into a publication.
Contest Chairs
Amit Chourasia, University of California, San Diego
Jan Klein, Fraunhofer MEVIS, Bremen, Germany
Deadline: July 31, 2010
Notification: September 10, 2010
We invite submissions from individuals or teams, from industry or academia. We encourage participants to demonstrate the prototype of a tool that supports a method or process for understanding this kind of data through analysis and visualization with the general target of surgical planning.
For more information, please visit the contest website.