See also the VolVis web
Ken Perlin, New York University
1: Unstructured Grid Rendering
"Tetrahedral Projection using Vertex Shaders"
Brian Wylie, Patricia Crossno, Lee Ann Fisk, and Kenneth Moreland, Sandia
National Laboratories
"Hardware-Based View-Independent Cell Projection"
Manfred Weiler, Martin Kraus, and Thomas Ertl, Universität Stuttgart
"A Two-Step Approach for Interactive Pre-Integrated Volume Rendering
of Unstructured Grids"
Stefan Roettger and Thomas Ertl, Universität Stuttgart
2: Multi-Resolution Rendering
"Time-Critical Multiresolution Volume Rendering using 3D Texture
Mapping Hardware"
Xinyue Li and Han-Wei Shen, The Ohio State University
"Interactive Visualization of Unstructured Grids Using Hierarchical
3D Textures"
Joshua Levin, Jason Corso, Subodh Kumar, and Jonathan Cohen,
Johns Hopkins University
"OpenGL Volumizer: A Toolkit for High Quality Volume Rendering
of Large Data sets"
Praveen Bhaniramka and Yves Demange, SGI
3: Haptics
"Haptics-based Volumetric Modeling Using Dynamic Spline-based
Implicit Functions"
Jing Hua and Hong Qin, SUNY at Stony Brook
"Real-time Volume Haptic Rendering with Shape-Retaining Chain
Mail Model"
Sang-Youn Kim, Dong-Soo Kwon, and Jinah Park , Korea Advanced Institute
of Science and Technology
4: Reconstruction and Triangulation
"Dynamic Triangulation of Variational Implicit Surfaces using
Incremental Delaunay Tetrahedralization"
Benoit Crespin, Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1
"Efficient Estimation of 3D Euclidean Distance Fields from 2D
Range Images"
Sarah Frisken and Ronald Perry, MERL
5: Time-Varying Datasets and Remote Rendering
"Feature Based Volumetric Video Compression for Interactive Playback"
Bong-Soo Sohn, Chandrajit Bajaj, and Vinay Siddavanahalli, University
of Texas at Austin
"Space-Time Points: 4D Splatting on Efficient Grids"
Neophytos Neophytou and Klaus Mueller, SUNY at Stony Brook
"Feature Estimation for Efficient Streaming"
Naveen Kumar Polapally, Raghu Machiraju, and Dhabhaleshwar Panda, The
Ohio State University
6: Volume Rendering
"Accelerating Volume Rendering with Bounded Textures"
Wei Li and Arie Kaufman, SUNY at Stony Brook
"A Hardware-Assisted Hybrid Rendering Technique for Interactive
Volume Visualization"
Brett Wilson, Kwan-Liu Ma, and Patrick McCormick, University of California
at Davis
"Shading For Fourier Volume Rendering"
Alireza Entezari, Randy Scoggins, Torsten Moeller, and Raghu Machiraju,
Simon Fraser University