High-Quality Volume Graphics on Consumer PC Hardware (Full day) [proposal]
Markus Hadwiger, VRVis Research Center
Joe Michael Kniss, University of Utah
Christof Rezk-Salama, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Rudiger Westermann, Aachen University of Technology
Volume rendering has become one of the most important visualization modalities
for science and medicine. Until recently, volume rendering was an off-line
process or required ultra high-end supercomputers to provide interactive
frame rates. Recent advancements in commodity level graphics hardware
have made it possible to render reasonably sized volumes at interactive
frame rates using a $300 graphics card. In addition to the huge strides
made in performance, these graphics cards offer a great deal programmability,
which permit image quality that rivals sophisticated software lighting
and classification models. Course participants will learn to leverage
new features of modern graphics hardware to build high-quality volume
rendering applications using OpenGL. Beginning with basic texture-based
approaches, the algorithms are improved and expanded incrementally covering
illumination, non-polygonal isosurfaces, transfer function design, interaction,
volumetric effects, and hardware accelerated filtering. The course is
aimed at scientific researchers who wish to gain an understanding of modern
volume rendering techniques and the new features available on programmable
graphics hardware. Course participants are provided with documented source
code covering details usually omitted in publications.