  _   Oct. 29-Nov. 3,2006  Baltimore MD USA    
  _ Vis Sessions


Workshop 1 (Half day) 1:30-5:15 pm
Visualization Education for Non-Technical Majors
Organizer: Holly Rushmeier (Yale University)

Visualization is used in essentially every discipline, ranging from biology to history. People use visualizations of data to make both personal and professional decisions. A student with a general education should be able to judge the validity of a visual representation and should be able to produce meaningful visual representations of data and concepts. This workshop will examine the need for visualization education for students who major in disciplines outside of science and engineering. The questions to be answered are, "What should non-technical students know about visualization?" and "Are new visualization courses or resources needed for students in non-technical majors?"

URL: http://graphics.cs.yale.edu/holly/vis2006/vis-non-tech.html


Workshop 2 (Half day) 8:30 am-12:15 pm
Federal Funding 101
Organizer: Terry Yoo (National Library of Medicine, NIH)

Do you have questions about how Federal agencies make awards? What is the procedure for reviewing grant proposals at NSF? How does it differ at NIH? What about other Federal agencies Where can you find information about federal programs? This seminar is an overview and introduction to Federal programs and the agencies that sponsor them. The purpose of this workshop is to both inform attendees of the granting process as well as promote feedback from the Visualization community to government representatives. The workshop agenda includes a session where attendees can interact in one-on-one sessions with the government panelists.

URL: http://visual.nlm.nih.gov/evc/meetings/vis2006_ff101_workshop/

Workshop 3 (Half day) 1:30-5:15 pm
Grid-Based Visualization
Organizers: Ken Brodlie (University of Leeds), Juliana Freire, Cláudio Silva (University of Utah)

Grid computing and service-oriented architectures have become important influences in computing, and should affect our future thinking on how to develop the next-generation visualization systems. The workshop will examine a number of key issues such as: how to develop visualization web services; can we achieve autonomic visualization services; what kind of provenance should be maintained; what can visualization learn from related areas such as workflow, databases, Grid computing - and what can visualization offer them? The workshop format will be a mix of talks and discussion sessions, with a target of generating a state of the art report on the area. The workshop will begin with a keynote talk from Ian Foster (Argonne National Laboratory), the leading figure in the world of Grid computing.

URL: http://www.sci.utah.edu/~vgc/grid/


Workshop 4 (Full day) 8:30 am -4:55 pm
Doctoral Colloquium
Organizers: Penny Rheingans, Alark Joshi (University of Maryland Baltimore County), William Pike, Richard May (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

The 2006 IEEE Visualization Conference and co-located IEEE VAST (Visual Analytics Science and Technology) Symposium will host an inaugural Doctoral Colloquium to support the next generation of visualization researchers. The colloquium will showcase the quality and breadth of scholarly research in visualization and visual analytics through the graduate students who are advancing the fields. Two sessions for selected student presentations will allow students to discuss their research directions in a supportive atmosphere with a panel of distinguished leaders in visualization and visual analytics and with their peers. Students can expect helpful feedback and fresh perspectives on their research topics and possible career paths, and will have the opportunity to interact closely with expert researchers. Two panel sessions -- one on careers in visualization and the other on publishing visualization research -- will provide key guidance for researchers early in their careers (as well as fresh ideas for those at all stages). Doctoral Colloquium sessions are open to all those registered for the Visualization conference.

URL: http://www.cs.umbc.edu/vangogh/dc.htm

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