  _   Oct. 29-Nov. 3,2006  Baltimore MD USA    
  _ Call for Participation
Birds of a Feather Meetings

Birds-Of-A-Feather (BOF) gatherings are a great opportunity for visualization researchers with similar interests or needs to network and exchange information. BOF proposals should identify the topic to be addressed and identify prospective attendees. They should deal with state-of-the-art topics and involve experts in the field. Discipline-focused proposals devoted to a particular discipline's methods and needs are encouraged. In particular, proposals may be submitted for BOF gatherings on (i) visualization tools and systems, (ii) novel driving applications, and (iii) new progresses in technologies that may directly benefit visualization research and tool-building. Such technologies include, but are not limited to, novel graphics and computing systems, parallel I/O, high performance networking and storage, novel mathematical methods/libraries and work flow modeling packages, etc.

The IEEE Visualization Conference is eager to expand its BOF sessions and will consider proposals for each day and evening of the conference, given room availability. BOF organizers need to be registered at the conference for at least the day of the BOF.

BOF proposals should consist of a brief one-page description of the topic, expected audience, speakers and preferred day of the proposed gathering. Please include contact information for the organizers as well. Birds-of-a-Feather Proposals should be sent to Jian Huang at huangj@cs.utk.edu.

Birds-of-a-Feather Chair:
Jian Huang, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA

Deadline: September 15, 2006

   © 2006 IEEE