October 28,
2007 |
8:30 AM |
InfoVis Keynote Matthew Ericson |
Tutorial 1
Introduction to Level Set Methods, Data Structures and Efficient Algorithms |
Tutorial 2
Color in Information Display |
Tutorial 3
Experimental Design and Analysis for Human-Subject Visualization Experiments |
Workshop 1 Metrics for the Evaluation
of Visual Analytics |
8:45 AM |
9:00 AM |
9:15 AM |
9:30 AM |
9:45 AM |
10:00 AM |
10:15 AM |
10:30 AM |
InfoVis Papers Fast Forward |
10:45 AM |
11:00 AM |
11:15 AM |
InfoVis Papers
Applications |
11:30 AM |
11:45 AM |
12:00 N |
Art Show and SAT |
Inter- active Demos |
12:15 PM |
12:30 PM |
12:45 PM |
1:00 PM |
Forum Enabling Science
Discoveries through Visual Exploration |
1:15 PM |
1:30 PM |
1:45 PM |
2:00 PM |
InfoVis Papers
InfoVis for the Masses |
Tutorial 4
Level Set Applications for Visualization |
Tutorial 5
Perceptual Issues for Visualization and Evaluation |
Tutorial 6
GeoVisualization with Google Earth and GIS |
2:15 PM |
2:30 PM |
2:45 PM |
3:00 PM |
3:15 PM |
3:30 PM |
3:45 PM |
4:00 PM |
4:15 PM |
InfoVis Best Paper,
Posters Fast Forward,
Contest Review,
Art Show Review
4:30 PM |
4:45 PM |
5:00 PM |
5:15 PM |
5:30 PM |
5:45 PM |
6:00 PM |
6:15 PM |
6:30 PM |
6:45 PM |
7:00 PM |
Reception / InfoVis Poster Viewing and Demos |
7:15 PM |
7:30 PM |
7:45 PM |
8:00 PM |
8:15 PM |
8:30 PM |
8:45 PM |
9:00 PM |