The following pages contain 3 different kinds of data. First they
show screen captures from life demonstrations visualizing the two
diffusion patient data sets.
Secondly they contain movies generated by our program to further illustrate the
different display modules. There are also screen shots done at various stages
during the interactive work on the different data sets.
This section is comparing the two provided data sets. We will call the first data set with 32 gradient '201' and the second data set with 15 gradient '301'.
This section provides some basic display techniques for diffusion tensor fields on the level of single voxels.
With methods of fiber tracking one likes to see the fiber bundles that cause the anisotropic diffusion of water molecules in the brain.
TensorPattern use Gabor-gratings to emphasize the directional properties of tensors. We demonstrate different ways in which they can be tailored to specific imaging needs.