Comparison of patient dataset 201 and 301

In order to compare the two dataset we concentrated on the T2 weighted images that correlate with anatomy. We performed first a rigid registration in order to correct for the patient position. In a second run we corrected for non-rigid transformations that should appear if there are sufficiently large anatomical differences between the data sets. The method used analyses the displacement vector field which is the result of the non-rigid registration. The rate of strain tensor is correlated with the stress in the material and therefore provides information about the possible change between the two scans. Note that the rate of strain tensor is computed on the displacement vector fields of the registration only thus does not provide information about the water diffusion in the tissue.


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Single images

The rate of strain tensor was analysed to obtain a regional distribution of expansion (depicted red) and compression (depicted blue) in the data. The colormap either codes for the magnitude of the vector field or, in case of the EllipseDisplay for the trace of the tensor. 301 - rate of strain tensor display 301 - rate of strain tensor display 301 - rate of strain tensor display 301 - rate of strain tensor display 301 - rate of strain tensor display 301 - rate of strain tensor display

A series of color overlays. We used the b=0 - T2 weighted images and fused them with the scalarfield containing the trace of the tensor. 301 - rate of strain tensor display 301 - rate of strain tensor display 301 - rate of strain tensor display 301 - rate of strain tensor display 301 - rate of strain tensor display 301 - rate of strain tensor display 301 - rate of strain tensor display 301 - rate of strain tensor display 301 - rate of strain tensor display 301 - rate of strain tensor display 301 - rate of strain tensor display 301 - rate of strain tensor display 301 - rate of strain tensor display