
Asynchronous Distributed Calibration for
Scalable and Reconfigurable Multi-Projector Displays
Ezekiel S. Bhasker, Pinaki Sinha, Aditi Majumder |
VisLink: Revealing Relationships Amongst Visuzlizations
Christopher Collins, Sheelagh Carpendale |

Feature Aligned Volume Manipulation for Illustration and
Carlos D. Correa, Deborah Silver, and Min Chen |

Concurrent Visualization in a Production Supercomputing Environment
David Ellsworth, Bryan Green, Chris Henze, Patrick Moran, and Timothy Sandstrom |
A Pipeline for Computer Aided Polyp Detection
Wei Hong, Feng Qiu, and Arie Kaufman |

Topographic Visualization of Prefix Propagation in the Internet
Pier Francesco Cortese |

Interactive Tree Comparison for Co-Located Collaborative Information Visualization
Petra Isenberg, Sheelagh Carpendale |

Visulaizing the History of Living Spaces
Yuri A. Ivanov, Christopher R. Wren,
Alexander Sorokin, Ishwinder Kaur |

Diffusion Tensor Visualization with Glyph Packing
Gordon Kindlmann and Carl-Fredrik Westin |

Saliency-guided Enhancement for Volume Visualization
Youngmin Kim and Amitabh Varshney, |

ClearView: An Interactive Context Preserving Hotspot Visualization Technique
Jens Krueger, Jens Schneider, Rudiger Westermann |

Understanding the Structure of the Turbulent Mixing Layer
in Hydrodynamic Instabilities
D. Laney, P.-T. Bremer, A. Mascarenhas, P. Miller, and V. Pascucci |

A Trajectory-Preserving Synchronization Method for
Collaborative Visualization
Lewis W.F. Li, Frederick W.B. Li, and Rynson W.H. Lau |

Drishti: Volume Exploration and Presentation Tool
Ajay Limaye |

Fast and Efficient Compression of Floating-Point Data
Peter Lindstrom and Martin Isenburg |

Scalable WIM: Effective Exploration in Large-scale
Astrophysical Environments
Yinggang Li, Chi-Wing Fu, and Andrew J. Hanson, |
Full Body Virtual Autopsies using a State-of-the-art Volume Rendering Pipeline
Patric Ljung, Calle Winskog, Anders Persson, Claes Lundstrom, and Anders Ynnerman |
Visualization of Fibrous and Thread-like Data
Zeki Melek , David Mayerich, Cem Yuksel, and John Keyser |

Hybrid Visualization for White Matter Tracts using Triangle Strips and Point Sprites
Dorit Merhof, Markus Sonntag, Frank Enders,
Christopher Nimsky, Peter Hastreiter, and Gunther Greiner |
Outlier-preserving Focus+Context Visualization in Parallel
Matej Novotny and Helwig Hauser |

Analyzing Vortex Breakdown Flow Structures by Assignment of Colors to Tensor Invariants
Markus Rutten, Min S. Chong |

High-Level User Interfaces for Transfer Function Design with Semantics
Christof Rezk Salama, Maik Keller, and Peter Kohlmann |

Techniques for the Visualization of Topological Defect Behavior in Nematic Liquid Crystals
Vadim A. Slavin, Robert A. Pelcovits, George Loriot, Andrew Callan-Jones, and David H. Laidlaw |

Multifield-Graphs: An Approach to Visualizing Correlations in Multifield Scalar Data
Natascha Sauber, Holger Theisel, and Hans-Peter Seidel |

Isosurface Extraction and Spatial Filtering Using Persistent Octree (POT)
Qingmin Shi and Joseph JaJa, |

Occlusion-Free Animation of Driving Route for Car Navigation Systems
Shigeo Takahashi, Kenichi Yoshida,
Kenji Shimada, and Tomoyuki Nishita |

Toward a Deeper Understanding of the Role of Interaction in Information Visualization
Ji Soo Yi, Youn ah Kang, John T. Stasko, Julie A. Jacko |

Visualization of Rupture Fault Simulation Inspired by Light Interference
Xiaoru Yuan, Minh X. Nguyen, YingChun Liu, David A. Yuen, Baoquan Chen, Yaolin Shi |

Interactive Point-based Isosurface Exploration and High-quality Rendering
Haitao Zhang and Arie Kaufman |

Interactive Point-Based Rendering of Higher-Order Tetrahedral Data
Yuan Zhou and Michael Garland |