new and updated
Join us for IEEE Visualization 2006 in Baltimore, Maryland. Click here.
Visualization Contest winners posted. Click here.
Slides and supplemental material from Panels 1 and 3 are
now available on
line. Click here.
Congratulations to the following award winners at Vis 2005:
Best Research Paper:
The Value of Visualization, Jarke J. van Wijk, Technical University of
Best Application Paper:
High Dynamic Range Volume Visualization, Xiaoru Yuan, Minh X. Nguyen,
Baoquan Chen, and David Porter, University of Minnesota at Twin Cities
Best Poster:
Using Visual Design Expertise to Characterize the Effectiveness of 2D
Scientific Visualization Methods,
Daniel Acevedo, David Laidlaw, Brown University
Fritz Drury, RISD, Providence
Best Panel:
End Users Perspectives on Volume Rendering in Medical Imaging: A job
well done or not over yet?
Moderators: Michael Meissner and Karel Zuiderveld, Vital Images
Panelists: Anders Persson, Linköping
Gordon Harris, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston
John Lesser, Minneapolis Heart Institute
Michael Vannier, University of Chicago Medical Center
Vis Contest First Prize:
All you need is ... - Particles!,
Jens Schneider, Polina Kondratieva, Jens Krueger and Ruediger Westermann
Computer Graphics and Visualization Group, Technische Universitat, Munchen
An award committee selects the
IEEE Visualization Best Paper Award. The best case study, best poster,
and best panel awards are decided by audience
IEEE Visualization Best Paper Award selection procedure:
- The decision on the best IEEE Visualization paper will be made by
an award committee.
- The committee will be chaired by one of the papers chairs.
- If a member experiences a conflict of interest he or she will step
out and will be replaced by another senior researcher from our
2005 Committee Members
- Chair: Cláudio T. Silva, University of Utah
- Eduard Gröller, Technical University of Vienna
- David Laidlaw, Brown University
- Kwan-Liu Ma, University of California, Davis
Selection Procedure
- In a preselection process, each papers chair will select his/her top
five candidates based on reviews, scores, potential, and impact on our
- The awards chair will compile a list of candidate papers (5-8) based
on this preselection.
- The candidate papers will be passed on to all members of the committee
along with reviews and other supporting materials.
- Each member will have to read all papers in advance and provide a
ranked list to the award chair.
- The award committee will meet twice for the conference: During
a kick-off meeting at the beginning of the conference, and during a final
meeting on Friday to make the decision.
- The committee will set up a small prize to be conveyed by the award
- The list of candidate papers will be made available to the Editor
in Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and
Computer Graphics (TVCG)
for possible inclusion into a special journal issue.
For comments or questions please contact Cláudio Silva, csilva@cs.utah.edu.
Tutorial course notes available on line. Click here.
Thanks for making IEEE Visualization 2005 a success.
Visualization 2006 web site is currently in preparation.
Vis 2005 is the premier forum for visualization advances in
science and engineering for academia, government, and
industry. This event brings together researchers and
practitioners with a shared interest in techniques, tools, and
technology. The conference will include workshops, tutorials,
papers, panels, demonstrations, posters, and exhibitions. We
invite you to participate by submitting your original research
and joining us at the Hilton
Minneapolis in Minneapolis,
Minnesota - City of Lakes, October 23-28, 2005.
Co-located with VIS 2005:
InfoVIS 2005: IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization.
2005 Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security
The combined symposium and workshop with VIS 2005 make this
week in Minneapolis the place to be to participate in this
rapidly expanding field.
Conference Topics
- Distributed and Collaborative Visualization (including grid-based
- Flow visualization
- Information Visualization
- Isosurfaces and Surface extraction
- Large Data Visualization
- Multi-Resolution Techniques
- Multimodal Visualization
- Novel Mathematics for Visualization
- Parallel Visualization and Graphics Clusters
- Software Visualization
- Terrain Visualization
- Time Critical Visualization
- Time-Varying Data
- Unstructured Grids
- Usability and Human Factors in Visualization
- Vector/Tensor Visualization
- Virtual Environments
- Visual Knowledge Discovery
- Visualization Systems
- Visualization in Earth, Space, and Environmental Sciences
- Visualization in Physical Sciences, Life Sciences and Engineering
- Visualization in Social and Information Sciences
- Visualization over Networks and the Internet
- Volume Visualization